Water is a human right – let´s help together!


Dear friends, colleagues and business partners,

together with you I would like to make an important contribution to ensure more global justice.

771 million people worldwide do not have access to clean drinking water. That corresponds almost exactly to every tenth citizen of the world. In addition, one in four people in the world does not have access to a toilet. Diarrheal diseases, which are caused by unsafe drinking water, a lack of latrines and poor hygiene, are among the leading causes of death in children under the age of five.

The Neven Subotic Foundation fights this serious problem: The foundation promotes the construction of wells and sanitary facilities for schools and communities in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania. Access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) is the basis for children to attend school regularly instead of spending hours on foot in search of mostly dirty water. Education gives children a lasting chance to lead a self-determined life – this creates real prospects for the future.

Together we can help effectively! I decided to start my own fundraiser. I would be very grateful if you would support me in this campaign and if we join forces to make a better future possible for many people. Your donation will be used 100 percent by the foundation directly in the local projects in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania – all administrative costs are borne by Neven Subotic privately.

I am happy about every amount and your commitment!

Thank you very much,


E-Mail the foundation for further



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Nach wie vor setzen wir uns gemeinsam mit Dir für den Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser und Sanitäranlagen in Äthiopien, Kenia und Tansania ein.

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